About Us

History & Mission of MySCN

Recognizing the importance of a sustainable network and collaborative platform for those who actively champion and use science communication to promote enculturation of science on various levels of society in Malaysia, the Malaysian Science Communication Network (MySCN) is a proud offshoot of FameLab Malaysia– co-founded by FameLab alumni Dr Khayriyyah Mohd Hanafiah and Prof Dr Abhi Veerakumarasivam with support from the British Council Malaysia and MIGHT. 

MySCN’s primary focus is to establish collaborative platforms and build capacity in science communication. Our first endeavour was in collaboration with the Young Scientists Network – Academy of Sciences Malaysia in developing and delivering a training-of-trainers Malaysian Science Communication Module.

The long-term mission of MySCN are to:

  • Provide collaborative and networking platforms for different parties involved in science communication in Malaysia and subsequently links to science communication champions in the region and internationally. 
  • Facilitate science communication capacity building and training for various players in STEM-related sectors, primarily for but not limited to researchers in STEM, education providers, science popularizers & journalists in mass media or social media, and others in multi-disciplinary teams who may benefit from science communication training.
  • Establish standards and monitoring for quality science communication training through development of Malaysian Science Communication Module (in collaboration with the Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia) and a training-of-trainers certification system

What We Do

Networking & Collaboration Platform

Training & Capacity Building


Why We Do It

  • We love science. It’s important. (But not everyone realises it!)
  • We believe that a solid grasp of scientific concepts and scientific thinking make the foundations of a progressive, prosperous and peaceful society.
  • But there is an existing and increasing disconnect between people who do science and people who (think) they don’t do science. It all boils down to how we communicate with each other!
  • By building capacity in science communication, we hope not only to improve science literacy but also to build trust and empathy.

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